
Showing posts from January, 2007

IronPython - Do You Need It?

Michael Foord posts why he thinks IronPython is good for the Python community.

Enumerating GAC Assemblies with IronPython

Nick Parker shares a script to enumerate all of the assemblies installed within the GAC.

IronPython supported in GIMP#

Maurits Rijk posts about his on-going work with enabling IronPython scripting support in GIMP#.

Jolt Finalists

IronPython is a finalist in the Development Environments category for the 2007 Jolt awards.

Iron Python on Balloons

How to create a notifier in the system tray with IronPython

Playing with IronPython

Maurits Rijk posts about IronPython becoming a scripting language for GIMP#

Mono and C# 3.0

A quote from Miguel de Icaza about how IronPython has helped Mono become better: "Pretty much every new release of IronPython has exposed limitations in our runtime, our class libraries or our compilers. IronPython has really helped Mono become a better runtime."

IronPython in Action

Micahel Foord announces that he has a deal with Manning Publications to write a book on IronPython.

Emcaster 0.1.1

Mike Rettig posts about using IronPython for functional and performance testing of Emcastor , a .NET library for publishing and subscribing to reliable messages over Pragmatic General Multicast (PGM).

Language Extensibility - Iron Python

Scott Hanselman and Carl Franklin discuss developments in dynamic and static language extensibility. As part of the podcast they talk about how IronPython uses a hook into No-Compile ASP.NET pages to enable better support for dynamic languages in ASP.NET.

Compiled Code, Angle Brackets and Optimising Resolver

Michael Foord posts about an IronPython traceback bug discovered during profiling an application.

Profiling IronPython

Michael Foord has a short artice on profiling IronPython code.

[IronPython] taylayout release

Davy Mitchell provides an early release of his TayLayout, a more sophisticated version of the flow layout for WinForms and IronPython.

Pyflakes on IronPython

Seo Sanghyeon annouces that PyFlakes now works with the IronPython Community Edition

Clarifying my Microsoft Developer Division Rant

Mike Schinkel as part of this large post asks if IronPython is ready for the prime time and Microsoft integrating IronPython with a complex IDE like Visual Studio is the bset thing for the lanaguage.