IronPython and Silverlight in Turkish

A Turkish blogger named Ibrahim Kivanc, a Microsoft student partner, has posted a series of blog entries showing off some really cool things with IronPython and Silverlight. Unfortunately (for me) the blog is in Turkish, but several of the entries have code to download.

I'm listing the entries here in the order he posted them:
One of the coolest things about Silverlight is its deep zoom technology that allows web applications to zoom in and pan across large, multi-resolution images. This functionality is accessed through the MultiScaleImage class.

This blog entry has XAML and IronPython code for using the MultiScaleImage from IronPython.
Chiron is the tool for developing Silverlight applications with dynamic languages. It is a server that packages apps on the fly and enables you to develop on your local filesystem: edit the Python, refresh the browser and see you changes immediately.
A cool little animation in Silverlight created with XAML and IronPython. It uses a RadialGradientBrush, a Path and various transforms.
Two posts focusing on Python rather than anything specific to IronPython.
Using a Silverlight template for creating a fancy looking user interface with buttons and listbox.


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In memory: Michael Foord 1974-2025