Cheminformatics Tutorial Using Python and Silverlight
Try Python is an online interactive Python tutorial using IronPython and Silverlight. The source code is available and open source and the tutorial material is written in a subset of the ReStructured Text markup. Noel Baoilleach has taken this a step further by creating his own version, including the Webel library library and a tutorial on using it with interactive examples. Cheminformatics Tutorial using Python and Silverlight Try Python with Cheminformatics Tutorial Recently I introduced Webel, a Python cheminformatics module that runs entirely on web services. One of the advantages of such a module is that it can be used in places where it is difficult to install a traditional cheminformatics toolkit. Like in your browser. After some little work, I present Try Python...with Cheminformatics. This adds Webel as well as a short tutorial that introduces many of its features. With a few more tutorials that cover SMILES, InChI and so on in more detail, this could be useful for t...