Unit Testing with IronPython in SharpDevelop 4

Microsoft may have finally pulled out their collective thumbs and started to support IronPython in Visual Studio, but SharpDevelop has always led the way as far back as 2007 in supporting IronPython.

SharpDevelop 4 is now under development and integrates with the unittest module to support unit testing with IronPython. This feature requires Python 2.6 to be installed, and IronPython debugging is not currently working with SharpDevelop 4, but it looks like it will a great release.

Matt Ward gives us the details in his latest entry on the SharpDevelop community blog:

SharpDevelop 4 has been updated to support unit testing with IronPython.
First you will need to install Python 2.6. SharpDevelop uses the standard Python unit test library (unittest.py) to run the unit tests.
Once the project reference is added the unit tests can be run in the normal way by right clicking in the Unit Tests window and selecting Run tests. You can run all the tests in a project, all tests in a class or a single test method.
The output generated when running the unit tests is shown in the Output window.
Test failures are displayed in the Errors window. Clicking an error will open the corresponding code in the editor.

Of course support for unittest2 would be even better... 


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