New IronPython Wiki Pages: IronPython People, Knol, SSIS and MP3 tags

There are five new wiki pages, across three different wikis (well - perhaps two wikis and a pseudo wiki) about IronPython.

There are three new pages on the IronPython Cookbook.
A page on the different people in IronPython. It includes notes on the different teams and Microsoft and their roles, plus the Resolver Systems guys and a few other folk who've made contributions to the IronPython community. If there is someone missing who you think ought to be there, please add them.
This is "a collection of utilities for programmatically controlling SQL 2005 SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) packages with IronPython".
"This simple routine uses the Windows Shell to get MP3 file information from the tags. Due to the differences between Vista and XP different magic numbers are required to get the tags."
Knol is google's project for 'user created knowledge' - effectively a version of Wikipedia where articles are created by individuals or groups of individuals instead of being open to edits by anyone. As the articles appear under the name of the person who created them, you can have multiple articles on the same subject. Google hopes that the best articles will survive through a ranking / popularity system. I've started a Knol on IronPython, and whilst it is not complete I think it is already useful.

The PyCon UK talk schedule is now up and there is an IronPython Tutorial wiki page:
Christian Muirhead, Menno Smits and Michael Foord (me) will be running a half day IronPython tutorial on Friday 12th September as part of PyCon UK. We are all programmers at Resolver Systems and develop full time with IronPython. Christian and I are the authors of the soon-to-be-published IronPython in Action.

Between us we will have a Linux laptop, a Mac laptop and a Windows laptop and it is our intention to support you through the tutorial whichever operating system you run (so long as you have a recent version of Mono installed).

UPDATE: The wiki page also include Menno's notes on installing Mono 1.9 alongside an older version for Linux users.

The wiki page lists the pre-requisites for the tutorial (what you will need installed), the topics we intend to cover and has space for you to list any topics you are interested in that we haven't included.


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In memory: Michael Foord 1974-2025