IronWatin: mind the gap

WatiN is a .NET automated web testing tool inspired by the Ruby tool Watir. R. Tyler Ballance has been working on IronPython integration for WatiN, based on the Python unittest testing library (of which I am particularly a fan) and designed to be as 'pythonic' as possible.
Last week @admc, despite being a big proponent of Windmill, needed to use WatiN for a change. WatiN has the distinct capability of being able to work with Internet Explorer's HTTPS support as well as frames, a requirement for the task at hand. As adorable as it was to watch @admc, a child of the dynamic language revolution, struggle with writing in C# with Visual Studio and the daunting "Windows development stack," the prospect of a language shift at Slide towards C# on Windows is almost laughable. Since Slide is a Python shop, IronPython became the obvious choice.

Out of an hour or so of "extreme programming" which mostly entailed Adam watching as I wrote IronPython in his Windows VM, IronWatin was born. IronWatin itself is a very simple test runner that hooks into Python's "unittest" for creating integration tests with WatiN in a familiar environment.

I intended IronWatin to be as easy as possible for "native Python" developers, by abstracting out updates to sys.path to include the Python standard lib (adds the standard locations for Python 2.5/2.6 on Windows) as well as adding WatiN.Core.dll via clr.AddReference() so developers can simply import IronWatin; import WatiN.Core and they're ready to start writing integration tests. When using IronWatin, you create test classes that subclass from IronWatin.BrowserTest which takes care of setting up a browser (WatiN.Core.IE/WatiN.Core.FireFox) instance to a specified URL, this leaves your runTest() method to actually execute the core of your test case.


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In memory: Michael Foord 1974-2025